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MARCH 2021

"Having a competitive spirit and self-confidence is only intimidating to those who don’t."

- Kristie Jones

Suspects vs. Prospects

Suspects vs. Prospects

Visualize a stack of 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper 4 inches tall. This is what I think of when I begin to reach out to a group of "suspects" to see if I can turn them into a prospect. My goal with this stack of suspects is to move them from the 4-inch suspect pile into 2 smaller piles - the yes pile or no prospect pile.

When you begin to outbound prospect, I say that everyone is a suspect and I refer to your prospecting list as the "maybe pile." Maybe they are a fit. Maybe they will be interested in what you sell. Maybe they will even buy. But at this point those are all unknowns, and they are just a suspect, not yet a prospect. It's your job to play amateur detective and uncover clues to help you determine if they are masquerading as a suspect but are really a prospect in disguise.

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Webinars & Podcasts

Accountability is a Sale Strategy: Part 3

Accountability is a Sale Strategy:
Part 3

Thursday, Mar. 25th at NOON CST

A culture of accountability isn’t a nice-to-have, it’s a sales strategy. Having a culture of accountability at your organization will increase the chances that you will achieve plan, attract top talent, retain reps, and...

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Build Meaningful Accountability into the Sales Function

The Earning Curve Panel Speaking Series: Build Meaningful Accountability into the Sales Function

Tuesday, Mar. 30th at 10AM CST

Join me for an always spirited discussion on the topic of Accountability. Having an accountability structure in place for your sales teams is a critical element for success. During this insightful Earning Curve panel discussion, you’ll discover why it is important to manage your top performers to the same standard as your other sales team members – and how you should also manage them differently.

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Establishing More Accountability and Clearer Expectations

Conversational Selling Podcast: Establishing More Accountability and Clearer Expectations

Debuted March 9, 2021

I had a great time chatting with Nancy Calabrese on the Conversational Selling podcast about the need for sales leaders to set expectations and hold sales reps accountable for those expectations.

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Sales Acceleration Strategy

The Sales Acceleration Strategy

We are helping Founders accelerate revenue by:

» Evaluating current people, processes, and tools.

» Strategizing a more effective and efficient course of action.

» Executing on the strategies we believe will have the greatest impact on revenue in the shortest amount of time.

Let us know if we can help you in 2021!

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