Sales and Success Hiring and Onboarding

The Right Hire in The Right Role = Real Revenue Results

Sales and Success professionals are professional interviewees… Buyer Beware!

Too many founders, recruiters, and hiring managers struggle to tell the Posers from the “A” Players. So they waste time sourcing, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding a Poser…. only to have them fail and have to start all over again.

Wasted Time.
Wasted Dollars.
Missed Revenue Targets.

I help you put the right person in the right job right away without all that waste.

I ask the right questions.

I identify candidates who possess the skills and confidence to be your next Rock Star.

I understand your culture and choose candidates who will be a cultural ADD and not just a fit.

No stone unturned.
No mis-hires.
No lost revenue.

Let’s face it, hiring can be a hassle.

I remove the hassle from your life. I do the work you don’t have time (or desire) to do.

I’ve been in your shoes and have the experience needed to identify and hire your next Rock Star. Hiring is a specific skill that not everyone is qualified to do. Don’t rely on your gut, or an inconsistent or broken hiring process to choose your next hire.

Kristie's Hiring Process

I run the entire hiring process from start to finish and then stick around to make sure you don’t screw up the onboarding of your new “A” player.

Rock Star Selection Process

I don’t just screen and interview candidates for skill.

I understand that Top 10 Percenters:

  • Are life-long learners.
  • Are mentally, physically, and spiritually fit.
  • Have a career and are not just looking for a job.
  • Are more likely to ask for forgiveness than permission.
  • Are going to ask us hard questions too.
  • Will demand top dollar.
  • Expect their company and their boss to not only make them a better sales professional but also a better person. 

So I’m not asking your typical questions and I’m not going to accept the typical answers. 

You deserve better!

Over the past 20 years of interviewing, hiring, and onboarding Sales and Success Professionals I’ve made more than a few mistakes, so you don’t have to. I’ve taken all the learnings and created a process to ensure that we find you the Rock Star you need to make sure you can hit the revenue target.

We aren’t a staffing company… We’re so much more!

  • I don’t source so I’m able to identify candidates and get them into the interview process more quickly. 
  • I don’t just send you qualified candidates and make you DIY it from there. I manage the entire process for you. All you have to do is show up for the interviews.
  • I don’t introduce you to a candidate until I’m convinced they have what it takes to be successful in your organization.
  • Not sure what questions to ask. No worries, I got you. I lead the interviews so you can focus on the answers to the questions.
  • Not contracted with an assessment company? I offer assessments to validate what we heard in the interview.
  • Don’t want to deal with the hassle of negotiating with the candidates. I take that off your hands too and let you know when the deal is sealed. 
  • No formal onboarding process in place or you just don’t have the time? I stick around for the first 2 weeks of the new employee onboarding to help out and make sure they are up and running quickly!

Sales Superstar Selector Assessment

The assessment is my secret sauce. 

I’ve analyzed hundreds of Rock Star Sales and Success Professionals’ verbal and mathematical skills and personality traits. I then designed a unique assessment tool to quickly and accurately identify candidates with those same abilities and traits. Remember, sales professionals sell themselves every day so we need an objective way to validate what we heard from them during the interviews.

I then use the assessment to have one last interview between the final candidates and the soon-to-be-leader to begin to build a relationship and set expectations based on the traits we’ve identified. 

Our “No Punches Pulled” Offer Process

It’s a buyer’s market and the candidates I interview for you are almost always talking with 3-4 other companies simultaneously, so I make sure that I stay in control of the candidates and the interview process so I can secure you top talent in the shortest amount of time. 

I don’t let the candidates:

  • String us along – we require answers to offers in 24 hours.
  • Use our offer to negotiate a better offer with another company – we never make offers unless they are ready to accept or decline within 24 hours.
  • Start a bidding war – No way, Jose! We don’t play.
  • Is lost due to the process dragging on – Just like we teach in our Sales Workshops… “Move ‘Em forward or ‘Move ‘em Out!

What Roles Do I Hire For?

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