Category: Sales Professionals

Do You ♥ What You Do?

Today, I met with a man who wants to learn more about my fractional and interim sales leadership services. He isn’t considering becoming a client. He is thinking of leaving Corporate America and becoming a fractional sales leader instead. As I began telling him about how I started my business as a fractional leader eight years ago and how it’s still a part of my service offerings today, he commented ...
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Unleashing Resilient Growth: 5 Steps to Success in Business

Guest Blogger: Amy Looper, Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Founder of Resilient Growth Unleashed The key to business performance is not in the latest marketing hack or sales tactic but rather in your personal belief and commitment to your vision. In this article, you will discover the 5-steps that will help you succeed in your business or career without sacrificing your health, relationships, or income. Step 1: Establish and commit to your ...
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Not Everyone Feels Thankful

My 2023 has been filled with blessings, so many blessings. Also, a few unexpected challenges. I will share with you a few of the blessings that have been bestowed on me this year, but before that I want to share with you something that isn’t talked about enough this time of year: loss, disappointment, and sadness. The holidays are a hard time for some of you.  Having to put on a ...
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Stop Letting the Prospect Control YOUR Sales Cycle

Stop Letting the Prospect Control YOUR Sales Cycle

Does this sound familiar? “We’ll need to talk internally, and then we’ll get back to you.” Let me guess, you hear this right after you’ve finished your software demo and are trying to schedule another call. Am I right? Keeping deals flowing through the pipeline is critical for you to hit quota and for your company to realize its revenue goals. However, preventing deals from stalling out and prospects from ...
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No Sales Process = No Revenue Progress

Co-Written with Rachel Epstein Salespeople often don’t enjoy following imposed rules around selling. And we get it – it can seem more like a burden than a benefit. But companies without a formalized and documented sales process are more likely to have underperforming reps who generate less revenue. In fact, HBR reports that companies with a formal sales processes in place see a 28% increase in revenue. It’s simple… if ...
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Recession-Proof Your Pipeline…..Now

We’ve had a lot of turbulence in the last three years. The pandemic, the Great Resignation, and most recently the war in Ukraine which has pushed the price of oil and gas to an all-time high. All this turmoil has increased prices of just about every consumer good and I’m now seeing an impact on business spending because of talk about a looming recession. The result for your sales team ...
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Get Out of Your Bubble

Get Out of Your Bubble

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to travel to Bucharest, Romania to visit a client I’ve been working with for 6 months. I didn’t have expectations beyond strengthening the relationship with my client, by spending time together, and wanting to better understand the country and culture. Since I set the bar fairly low the trip far exceeded my expectations. It has been over 30 years since I’d been to ...
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Own Your Life and Your Future

I started using #ownyourownshit about 5 or 6 years ago when I was in an environment where there were a lot of excuses flying around. The reality was, those individuals, the ones with all the excuses, could have controlled a lot more than they were taking responsibility for. The majority of complaints I hear from sales reps revolve around things that they can control and either choose not to, don’t ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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