Category: Mindset

Do You ♥ What You Do?

Today, I met with a man who wants to learn more about my fractional and interim sales leadership services. He isn’t considering becoming a client. He is thinking of leaving Corporate America and becoming a fractional sales leader instead. As I began telling him about how I started my business as a fractional leader eight years ago and how it’s still a part of my service offerings today, he commented ...
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Unleashing Resilient Growth: 5 Steps to Success in Business

Guest Blogger: Amy Looper, Transformational Coach, Speaker, and Founder of Resilient Growth Unleashed The key to business performance is not in the latest marketing hack or sales tactic but rather in your personal belief and commitment to your vision. In this article, you will discover the 5-steps that will help you succeed in your business or career without sacrificing your health, relationships, or income. Step 1: Establish and commit to your ...
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Go for 2 and the win

Go for 2 and the win!

“We made the decision early. If we scored, we were going for two — going for the win.” – Coach Leipold  Something amazing and very unexpected happen last week. The Kansas Jayhawks beat The Texas Longhorns at DKR Texas Memorial Stadium. That’s right, we’re not talking about the top-ranked KU Men’s basketball team. No sir, y’all, we’re talking about the 1-8 Kansas Football team! The 31-point underdogs beat the SEC-bound ...
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Get Out of Your Bubble

Get Out of Your Bubble

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to travel to Bucharest, Romania to visit a client I’ve been working with for 6 months. I didn’t have expectations beyond strengthening the relationship with my client, by spending time together, and wanting to better understand the country and culture. Since I set the bar fairly low the trip far exceeded my expectations. It has been over 30 years since I’d been to ...
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Own Your Life and Your Future

I started using #ownyourownshit about 5 or 6 years ago when I was in an environment where there were a lot of excuses flying around. The reality was, those individuals, the ones with all the excuses, could have controlled a lot more than they were taking responsibility for. The majority of complaints I hear from sales reps revolve around things that they can control and either choose not to, don’t ...
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Yes No Maybe

My 2nd favorite word is No!

“My 2nd favorite word is No!” That’s what my former employee James was famous for saying.  It’s great when your prospect does you the favor of saying no, but most times their actions and words will sound more like, maybe. That puts the pressure on you to decide when a maybe is really a no. The trick is to be confident about when to pull the plug on a prospect ...
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gv masterminds

Mastermind for Founders

If you’re interested in leveling up your game in 2021, building accountability into your culture, and working with a group of smart and talented founders to help you solve your problems then you should really check out the 80/20 Mastermind Groups Gv Freeman is putting together. Gv is a growth strategist and coach with over 20 years of experience building and marketing technology businesses. 80% business and 20% self-care, Gv facilitates a ...
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5 Ways to Make an EPIC Comeback!

I watched the most unbelievable, come from behind, win I’d seen in college basketball in years last night. If you know or follow me you’re already aware, I’m a huge @kuhoops basketball fan and NCAA bball fan. I watch about 200 hours of NCAA basketball a season. But, you didn’t need to love the Jayhawks to appreciate what happened last night. As the announcers were kind enough to remind the ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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