Category: Hiring

Be Proactive to Save Top Talent

How are The Great Resignation and Inflation connected? Ever since the pandemic, we’ve seen increases in prices when it comes to the food and housing market. Combine that with the highest ever rate of resignations and career switching ever in the history of US (In November 2021, 4,510,000 people quit compared to 3,084,200 in November 2019) and you get a huge surge in salary increases and the hottest job market ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the Right Sales Person: Step 5

Step 5 – The Formal Offer You’ve spent the last couple of weeks narrowing the field from 100+ resumes to one final candidate. Now, it’s time to close the deal. You’ve come this far so we don’t want you fumbling the ball on the 2-yard line. Here are the steps I take to ensure I seal the deal. The Verbal Offer I call the candidate a day after the last ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the Right Sales Person: Step 4

Step 4 – Assess and Educate Them After doing the Behavioral-based interview, you should have a good idea what makes your candidate tick. Now is when I like to run them through some sort of assessment to see if they have the same competencies as other successful sales reps. who are doing the job today. I like to run the candidate through a Sales Profile Assessment by Wiley & Sons, ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the Right Sales Person: Step 3

Step 3 – The Formal Behavioral-Based Interview The candidate has made it through the resume review and the phone screen, now it’s time to meet them in person or virtually and learn more. Introduction I’ve been using a behavioral-base interview for many years. I believe the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior (this is true in dating too!). As a result, I ask a series of behavior-based questions ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the Right Sales Person: Step 2

Step 2 – The Phone Screen In Part 1 I reviewed how I attract and select candidates to move onto the next step, the phone screen. Now it’s time to meet the candidate. If they pass the resume review, I do a 30-minute phone screen, NOT Zoom meeting.. All sales jobs require you to be effective on the phone. So, the candidate needs to be able to communicate in an efficient, articulate, and ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the Right Sales Person: Step 1

Step 1 – The Job Description and Resume Review The first step, when I go in search of a sales candidate for a client, is to help my client put together a hiring profile of the ideal candidate. I ask my clients the following questions: What traits do the most successful current or former employees have? Tell me about reps that didn’t work out Are there deal breakers such as ...
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5 Steps to Hiring the BEST Salesperson

I’ve written a series of blog posts to help you attract, screen, interview, and hire the best sales rep you can find on the market. I’m going to share successful strategies I’ve learned, developed, and implemented, in several companies over the past 20 years. Hiring the wrong sales representative is costly. I want to help ensure that you have the tools needed to make sure you’re placing the right bet ...
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Sales Reps are professional interviewees – Don’t be fooled.

There are few things as frustrating to me then when I discover a new client, who’s hired me to come in figure out why they are missing their revenue targets, has mis-hired. This is because most of my clients are small privately-owned startups that have either taken VC money or are bootstrapping, and regardless of how they are financing their startup, they can’t afford to waste the limited financial resources ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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