Category: Customer Success

Do You ♥ What You Do?

Today, I met with a man who wants to learn more about my fractional and interim sales leadership services. He isn’t considering becoming a client. He is thinking of leaving Corporate America and becoming a fractional sales leader instead. As I began telling him about how I started my business as a fractional leader eight years ago and how it’s still a part of my service offerings today, he commented ...
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Why NRR Will Matter More in 2023

Co-author: Rachel Epstein The current economic climate is causing customers to re-evaluate the necessity of existing vendor partnerships and SaaS platforms thus leading to a possible increase in customer churn next year. The last thing any sales leader needs right now is to worry about customer retention while already stressed out about reaching their, probably unrealistic, quota that’s been set for 2023. A proactive strategy for retaining your customer needs ...
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Customer Churn Starts at Implementation

The most dangerous time in the Customer’s Journey is after the deal has been signed and before First Value Delivered (FVD) has been realized… Implementation! It doesn’t matter if you have a self-serve ecomm product/service or sell an Enterprise software solution – Your customer MUST have a successful implementation experience or your company risks churning them in the future. A successful implementation experience is really in the eye of the ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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