Category: Sales Professionals

Yes No Maybe

My 2nd favorite word is No!

“My 2nd favorite word is No!” That’s what my former employee James was famous for saying.  It’s great when your prospect does you the favor of saying no, but most times their actions and words will sound more like, maybe. That puts the pressure on you to decide when a maybe is really a no. The trick is to be confident about when to pull the plug on a prospect ...
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Suspects vs. Prospects

Visualize a stack of 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper 4 inches tall. This is what I think of when I begin to reach out to a group of “suspects” to see if I can turn them into a prospect. My goal with this stack of suspects is to move them from the 4-inch suspect pile into 2 smaller piles – the yes pile or no prospect pile. When you begin ...
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What’s Your Sales Secret Weapon?

After spending 13 years playing racquetball competitively, at the open level, I decided to pick up tennis. I’ve always excelled at eye-hand coordination sports; racquetball, softball, and volleyball, so tennis seemed like a good choice. I felt like it was as important to pick the right sport just as it’s important for you to choose the right sales job. After a few months of group lessons, focusing on the basics, ...
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Doing the Right Thing Requires #Discipline

Doing the Right Thing Requires #Discipline

“Do the right things and the right things will happen.” – Kristie Jones I share this with founders, sales leaders, and reps on a regular basis. I truly believe that if each and every person does what they know to be the right thing then the universe will conspire to make sure the right things will happen. Things like financial security, success, promotions, work/life balance, and much more. What’s the ...
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Your Funnel is a Fantasy

Your Funnel is a Fantasy

It appears that there were enough deals in the pipeline and yet here you are again, a few days left in the quarter and you’re only at 52% of your Q3 goal. The quarter started out as it usually does; a “full” pipeline, reps confident they will hit quota this month, and you reporting the good news to the board. But with only a few days left neither you nor ...
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Are You a Self-Centered Seller?

Are You a Self-Centered Seller?

No one likes a selfish person, but that’s how a lot of sellers come across. I tell sales reps and sales leaders daily: “It has to be all about them before it can be all about you before it can be all about us.” So why am I still getting emails, LI messages, and phone calls from marketing departments and sales reps only talking about the features of their product ...
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Question Your Way Out of the Objection

Objections are born out of fear. Fear the prospect will spend money on something they won’t use or get value from, fear that they will look bad if it doesn’t go well, fear that others in the company won’t be open to switching vendors or spending money on some new strategy or vendor. The best way to deal with that fear is to better understand it and get to the ...
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3 Clues that Your Sales Process is Broken

3 Clues that Your Sales Process is Broken

I worked for a CFO once who would regularly say, “That sounds like a broken process.” I got tired of hearing that, not because he was wrong, but because he was right. I often get calls from Founders or Sales Leaders asking if I will come in and evaluate their sales reps. because they aren’t sure they’ve got the right players on the team. I gently say to them that ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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