Kristie's Blog

You Need a Rock Star to Help You “Sell Your Way Out”


You were happy with your sales team. Most of your reps were hitting at least 62% of quota. They loved working for you and the company. Who wouldn’t? Free lunch on Fridays, beer in the fridge, and you weren’t really holding them accountable to performance metrics. Life and the economy were good; until they weren’t.

As you are finding out, what worked then, won’t work now and this might include your sales reps. You need experienced hunters, with a track record of success, to help you sell your way out of this economic challenge. I know you’re not sure now is the time to bring on a new employee, but a sales rep that can bring in net new revenue during this time is an investment in your company’s future.

Good news. There are plenty of experienced sales reps with a track record of success in SaaS sales currently looking for jobs, as a result of being laid off.

If you’re ready to find a Rock Star worthy of their own tour bus, here are some things you need to consider:

  • You need someone who’s been around the block. Don’t discount a Gen Xer who was selling in 2008 and lived to tell about it.
  • You need someone who will ramp quickly – this means you only need to train them on your product/service and sales process. You don’t need to teach them how to prospect and sell.
  • You need someone who can be successful working remotely.
  • You need someone money motivated. Yes- this is the answer you’re looking for when you ask them what motivates them.
  • You need someone who will share what they’re hearing in the field about your product/service and industry trends so that the company can continue to pivot.
  • You need a risk-taker. Startups were never for the faint at heart before COVID, not you need a take no prisoners attitude.
  • You need someone willing to pick up the phone.

Hiring a true hunter isn’t easy. Founders, Sales Leaders, and HR struggle to understand the difference between a hunter and a gatherer or how to interview to figure out the difference. Sales Acceleration Group has helped Founders and Owners hire over 25 SDRs, AEs, and Customer Success Managers in the past 4 years with an 87% retention rate- 4 years later. Our formal interview process will help you find the Rock Star you need to help sell your way out of this challenging economic situation.

“In a few short months, Kristie helped me organize our sales team better, improve our processes, and hire skilled team members. I’d recommend Kristie to anyone looking for a consultant.”

Kelly Travis
Former Director of Sales and Marketing at Bonfyre

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