Category: Sales Professionals


The Problem with Productivity

The dictionary definition of productivity is: The amount of time it takes to complete a task. The KKJ definition: The ability to identify and execute on tasks that will result in providing the highest value outcome. So what’s the big deal? Why should sales leaders care about and measure the productivity of their sales reps? Because it matters. What I love about sales is it is the blending of art ...
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“Stalled” is NOT a Stage

I was doing a pipeline audit for a client a few years ago when I ran across a sales stage called “Stalled”. What is this, I asked? “Oh- That’s where we put all the deals that we think will close someday but are currently stalled out. We don’t want to lose track of them.” WTF???? So as crazy as this sounds, they aren’t the only company I’ve run across with ...
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Understanding the Impact of your Prospect’s Pain is What Will Close More Deals

By now I’m sure your sales team is good at uncovering the pain points and challenges your prospects face. But are they digging to get the negative financial impact those pain points are having on the prospect’s organization? Are they able to calculate what the cost to the company is for not solving the issue? Are they able to calculate the positive revenue or negative cost impact that purchasing your ...
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Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Identifying Your Ideal Customer

If you don’t choose who you want to do business with, then your customers will choose you! And these customers might be less than perfect. Understanding your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) will dictate everything from product features or service offerings to your marketing and prospecting strategy. Here’s what you need to know to make sure everyone in your company from Product to Marketing and Sales understands who you want to ...
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Are you Ready to Sell to Gen Z?

There has been so much written about the Millennials that I’m afraid we aren’t getting ready for Gen Z. They have hit the workforce and although probably not decision makers yet, they are individual contributors and their opinion matters. They don’t know a world without smartphones and technology. They are used to connecting and communicating in less personal ways; text, email, slack and chat. So, what does this mean for ...
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Disrespectful Demos

Why are we Still Doing Disrespectful Demos?

Using the word disrespectful may seem harsh, but I need to get your attention. I’m tired of seeing Sales Reps., Sales Engineers, Solutions Consultants and Technical team members be disrespectful of the prospect’s time and intelligence while demoing their product. According to CEB, “57% of the purchase decision is already complete before the customer even calls the supplier.” If we know this (and we do) then why aren’t we putting ...
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5 Ways to Make an EPIC Comeback!

I watched the most unbelievable, come from behind, win I’d seen in college basketball in years last night. If you know or follow me you’re already aware, I’m a huge @kuhoops basketball fan and NCAA bball fan. I watch about 200 hours of NCAA basketball a season. But, you didn’t need to love the Jayhawks to appreciate what happened last night. As the announcers were kind enough to remind the ...
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Lessons from March Madnesss

I’m not your regular March Madness fan. If you follow me on LinkedIn then you know I went to the University of Kansas and I’m a huge Jawhawk Men’s basketball fan. If you don’t follow me, then hopefully my “March Madness” profile picture was a tip off (basketball pun intended). I calculated that by the time March Madness starts I’ve watched no fewer than 200 hours of NCAA basketball. I ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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