Kristie's Blog

What’s Working?

vidyard example

Video is working!

More and more of my clients are using Vidyard to send prospects and customers customized video messages as part of their outbound prospecting strategies.

This gives them the opportunity to put a name and face to the emails and VMs they’ve been using to connect with the prospects. It’s makes you a person and not just a sales call.

Here are some things to consider when creating a video to send to your prospects:

  • KISS – Keep it Short and Sweet. Try to keep your video to 30-40 seconds.
  • Be animated and interesting! Let your passion and energy for your company and helping your prospects show.
  • Clear audio – invest in a good mic or headset.
  • Location, location, location. This isn’t a Hollywood movie. Stay at your desk or cubbie and let them get a feel for the culture of your company.
  • Make sure you are well lit with good lighting.
  • Logo – Wear or display your company’s logo prominently.

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