Kristie's Blog

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Diversity and Inclusion is the HOT topic in tech right now. It’s no secret, tech is too white and too male. I believe the uncomfortable conversation will have to continue to come from women, minorities, and anyone who doesn’t currently have a seat at the table, just like the #metoo movement. Here’s the cause I’m going to take up. #Womenwhosell.  There are just not enough women selling or holding sales ...
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Hello I am... Accountable

Does your Sales Team have an Accountability Culture?

I’m on a quest to help companies create an accountability culture. I believe a lack of accountability is affecting many company’s ability to grow revenue, keep customers, and retain high performing employees. My quest to understand why creating a culture of accountability is so difficult led me to a place I didn’t expect – the realization that accountability is very closely tied to vulnerability. After recently listening to Brene Brown’s ...
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vidyard example

What’s Working?

Video is working! More and more of my clients are using Vidyard to send prospects and customers customized video messages as part of their outbound prospecting strategies. This gives them the opportunity to put a name and face to the emails and VMs they’ve been using to connect with the prospects. It’s makes you a person and not just a sales call. Here are some things to consider when creating ...
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3 Challenges Your Company is Facing Due to Lack of Discipline

3 Challenges Your Company is Facing Due to Lack of Discipline

As 2018 began to fade and 2019 was on the horizon, I realized that I was in need of a new “Word of the Year”. I’ve never been a New Years Resolutioner, rather I enjoy using a word to help me stay focused. 2018’s word was “Authentic”. It had served me well, although I knew not everyone in my life had been a fan. As I thought about the challenges ...
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5 Ways to Make an EPIC Comeback!

I watched the most unbelievable, come from behind, win I’d seen in college basketball in years last night. If you know or follow me you’re already aware, I’m a huge @kuhoops basketball fan and NCAA bball fan. I watch about 200 hours of NCAA basketball a season. But, you didn’t need to love the Jayhawks to appreciate what happened last night. As the announcers were kind enough to remind the ...
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KPI’s are the roadmap sales representatives need

Would you get in the car to drive to a place you’ve never been without directions, GPS, or Waze? Of course not. So why do so many companies think they can get to the “next level” without metrics, goals, or KPI’s? I’m seeing Sales teams without revenue goals, Marketing teams without monthly lead, MQL, or SQL targets, and Customer Success teams without renewal or up-sell goals. It’s baffling. How do ...
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You’ll Never Know if You Don’t Ask

I was working with a couple of reps. last week helping them prepare for a very important onsite demo with a large prospect. They had smartly scheduled a call with an IT influencer to make sure they had their presentation and demo all buttoned up. The sales reps. were a bit concerned going into the call that the IT influencer might not be on their team and they were going ...
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Lessons from March Madnesss

I’m not your regular March Madness fan. If you follow me on LinkedIn then you know I went to the University of Kansas and I’m a huge Jawhawk Men’s basketball fan. If you don’t follow me, then hopefully my “March Madness” profile picture was a tip off (basketball pun intended). I calculated that by the time March Madness starts I’ve watched no fewer than 200 hours of NCAA basketball. I ...
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Kristie K. Jones featured in Silicon Valley Times

Exclusive Interview with Leading Selling Powerhouse Kristie Jones Writing your first book can be daunting and very challenging, but when you’re used to driving high growth and high revenue goals for clients, you take those writing obstacles in stride. Author Kristie Jones, Principal of Sales Acceleration Group, has spent the last 15+ years working with small to midsize businesses on how to hire the right team, drive revenue and create ...
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Kristie K. Jones featured in Digital Journal

Kristie Jones talks about her upcoming book By Markos Papadatos Author, Kristie Jones, who is a powerhouse in the sales world, chatted about her new book, which will be coming out later in the year. Growing up in a self-proclaimed “Sales house,” author Kristie Jones has sales in her blood. She has spent the last 15 years working with small and mid-size businesses to grow their revenue and help her ...
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Kristie K. Jones featured in New York Weekly

In Conversation with the Principal of Sales Acceleration Group, Kristie Jones New author, speaker and Principal of Sales Acceleration Group, Kristie Jones specializes in new business development, retaining and upselling existing customers, and sales management. She works mostly with small and mid-sized SaaS companies, both privately held or funded. Helping her clients drive additional top-of-the-funnel to increase revenue through improving people, formalizing, and documenting sales processes, and creating a sales ...
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Kristie K. Jones featured in California Herald

In Conversation with Entrepreneur, Global Business Leader and Sales Guru, Kristie Jones By Greg Nelson Helping SaaS startup founders drive higher revenue through improving sales people and the sales funnel processes, author Kristie Jones has now taken her expertise and put it into her first book. Born into a successful and sales driven family, she has sales in her blood and she knows what it takes to make more money, ...
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Weekly ‘Kristieisms’ in Your Inbox

Antecdotes, advice and tough love for sales professionals who want to be intentional about their career.

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